Visual management is a form of communication used to give a snapshot of strategy and operations. The […]
As digitalization advances, companies’ strong dependence on software begins. According to Mckinsey report (https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/an-executives-guide-to-software-development): the number of […]
Acording to an article from Scaled Agile Framework (Advanced Topic – Six SAFe Practices for ‘S-Sized’ Teams – […]
According to SAFe, Strategic Themes are differentiating business objectives that connect a portfolio to the strategy of […]
WHAT GETS MEASURED GETS MANAGED AND GET DONE. (Peter Drucker) We often collaborate with innovative companies, which […]
Los flujos de valor son el siguiente nivel en prácticas ágiles y DevOps. Para acelerar el desarrollo y permitir la entrega continua de valor al cliente, las organizaciones, los líderes de I&O y los líderes de aplicaciones deben centrarse en la gestión del flujo de valor para maximizar el flujo, mejorar la eficiencia de la entrega e impulsar la innovación.
Whatever your challenge, your need, your complexity in the organization, SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework for enterprises) proposes […]
Were you one of the first to identify Uber as a game changer? What about being one […]
More than 1,000,000 individuals in 20,000 companies around the world have acknowledged the benefits of scaling agile […]
Synchronizing alignment, collaboration, and delivery for multiple teams, SAFe claims to increase productivity, reduce time to market, […]